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Women in Gaming Fact Sheet

What is

A fact sheet on gender biases in gaming education and how to prevent and overcome them, drawing on a bottom-up analysis with female students and developers. It shares insightful findings on the role of women in the gaming industry, highlighting both their contributions and the challenges they face. Through interviews and workshops with students, teachers, and industry professionals, the research explores motivators, obstacles, and solutions that can help increase female participation in this traditionally male-dominated field.

In this document you will find:

  1. Women in the Gaming Industry”: Contrary to popular believe based on stereotypes, women make up a significant portion of the gaming community. 46,7% of European game players are women. 
  2. Barriers to Entry”: Women make up only 23,7% of the European gaming workforce, highlighting significant disparities in the industry.
  3. Educational Challenges and STEM Inclusion”: The fact sheet underscores the role of education in closing the gender gap.
  4. A Call for Change: The report concludes with potential solutions for overcoming gender-related obstacles in gaming. 
  5. Extra: Personas: A service design tool for getting to know your user-base or customers.

Who it is designed for

  • Women who aspire to enter the gaming industry
  • Videogame developers who want to know better her clients or users


The Nugamers fact sheet has been developed within the NUGAMERS project by partner Sineglossa (Italy),  Changemaker Educations AB (Sweden), All Digital (Belgium), XAMK South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Algebra University College (Croazia). NUGAMERS is a project cofunded by European Union under Erasmus + programme.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

EN Co-funded by the EU_WHITE Outline

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