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Resonant – Report on cultural entrepreneurship

What is

  • A overview of the state of the art of the Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI) in four European countries-Denmark, Greece, Italy and Slovenia.
  • A collection of ICC good practices implemented at the European level.
  • A framework of thetechnical (hard skills) and soft skills of the cultural and creative entrepreneur.
    skills: 4 competence areas, 8 competencies, 25 descriptions
    Hard skills: 3 macro-skills, 7 descriptions

Who it is designed for

  • A trainers, educational centers and incubators seeking guidance in creating or validating entrepreneurial-themed training courses with a specific focus on the cultural and creative sector.
  • To those seeking inspiration on the possible applications of cultural and creative competencies in business.


The Report on cultural entrepreneurship is one of the outputs of the project RESONANT, funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program.

Partners: Aarhus University (lead partner, Denmark), Sineglossa (Italy), FVB – The Hive (Italy), AKEP – Academy of Entrepreneurship (Greece), IC GEOSS (Slovenia).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Resonant - Report on cultural entrepreneurship

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Resonant - Report on cultural entrepreneurship

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