A format aimed at businesses and training centers to stimulate the generation of innovative ideas through Art Thinking
Concept and conduction
Art and technology
The ARTATHON is a contest of ideas based on the principle of contamination.
It is a teambuilding activity conducted by trainers specialized in Design Thinking and Art Thinking, with teams composed by heterogeneous figures from the arts/humanities and science/technology fields, with the aim of stimulating the cross-fertilization between the knowledge.
The format
The format takes place in four macro-phases:
- Exploring, where the challenge to be faced is explored in depth
- Teambuilding, where teams are formed from the participants’ soft skills
- Designing, where the idea is generated, prototyped and tested
- Pitching, where the idea is told
At each stage, tools derived from Design Thinking and exercises from Art Thinking are used to foster the creative thinking and visionary of participants.
Who it is designed for
- Companies that want to find innovative ideas
- Training centers that want to strengthen the entrepreneurial and creative skills of their users
ARTATHON is a format designed by Sineglossa in collaboration with Serena Fagnocchi, a theoretical physicist, researcher and vinyasa yoga teacher.