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AI and Cultural Heritage workshop proceedings

Art and Technology, Education and training
May 21, 2023

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AI and Cultural Heritage workshop at CINECA VisitLab 

On Friday 20 January 2023, CINECA VisitLab organised the workshop Artificial Intelligence and Cultural Heritage, between research and creativity, at the Casalecchio di Reno headquarters. It was an opportunity for experts to discuss the intersection between Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Heritage and Art, in order to illustrate both the contribution that AI techniques can offer in the field of Digital Humanities research, and to initiate a moment of reflection on the more artistic aspects offered by these technologies.

The morning session dealt with the topic of how AI can support scholars in the metadata of digital Cultural Heritage or transcribing historical texts. In the afternoon sessions, the focus shifted to how generative AI algorithms can support philological reconstructions and creative processes.

Sineglossa for an Art & AI methodology 

Federico Bomba, Sineglossa art director and Human and Computer Interaction researcher at Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, explained the methodology behind FOOD DATA DIGESTION, a two-year research and production project curated by Sineglossa, in collaboration with Play With Food, and supported by Compagnia di San Paolo. 

During the workshop he focused on And we thought, the first artistic output of FDD process by Roberto Fassone, Ai Lai and Led Zeppelin. The live streaming of his lesson is available on Sineglossa Youtube channel:  

The entire recorded workshop is here.

As part of the workshop proceedings, Sineglossa art director Federico Bomba and Sineglossa research and training director Alessia Tripaldi published the article “FOOD DATA DIGESTION. A multidisciplinary methodology between art, culture and artificial intelligence”. 

The methodology describes how the concept of food and its meaning of “nourishment” is related to the research process behind the project. Also it highlights the key point of the collaboration between an artist and technologist: the chance to work with a “open AI device” for the artist, and, in the meantime, with a “open artwork” for the technologist. In this way  it’s easier that their creative workflow hasn’t limits and obstacles and both the artist and the technologist have the time and the creative freedom to envision and produce an AI-based work of art together.

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Panel su arte e intelligenza artificiale ad Art Lab 2023. Foto di Fondazione FitzCarraldo

Art and artificial intelligence: Federico Bomba’s latest talks