What is
A series of activities to
- Increase trainees’ awareness of the importance of soft skills in
entrepreneurship; - make trainees experience the cultural entrepreneur’s soft skills;
- enhance trainees’ soft skills.
The soft skills are divided into two macro areas:
External Communication (Active Listening, Storytelling, Pitching, Negotiation,
Leadership, Teamworking) – and Internal Communication (Determination – Self-awareness and Problem Solving).
For each soft skill you will find:
- An inspirational video to explain the importance of the skill to trainees;
- three different short activities, lasting from 10 to 30 minutes, to
make trainees experience the skill; - one long activity, lasting from 30 to 90 minutes, to improve the skill in trainees,
Who it is designed for
For all trainers, whether in formal or informal education, looking for
activities aimed at strengthening soft skills.
The toolkit is one of the outputs of the RESONANT project, funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program.
Aarhus University (lead partner, Denmark)
FVB – The Hive (Italy)
AKEP – Academy of Entrepreneurship (Greece)
IC GEOSS (Slovenia)
Sineglossa (Italy).
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