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Cultural centers and scientific research centers together to tell, through data, about Italy and the major ecological challenges we face



Art and technology

2030 GOALS

Inspired by the New European Bauhaus manifesto, of which Sineglossa is an Official Partner, Data Tour d’Italie is a network of artists, researchers, scientists, cultural practicioners and data students, who collected and interpreted data from the Alps, investigating the melting of glaciers, from Bologna, for a lunge on the air quality of the Po Valley; from Fano, to delve into the issue of microplastics invading the Adriatic; and, finally, from Cagliari, to provide a possible interpretation of the effect that anthropogenic activity has on wind and rain.

The network was established on the occasion of the Ars Electronica Festival 2021.

  1. A sound in extinction by Neunau
    A Sound in Extinction is an art and science project aimed at monitoring the implications of climate change on alpine glaciers through artistic exploration.
    Sudden collapses, opening of crevasses-these are just some of the possible sound phenomena occurring on glaciers that climate change triggers more frequently. These are valuable documents, as these sounds are an acoustic representation of the symptoms of ongoing change and a monitoring tool that gives information about when and how often these phenomena occur.
    Through the installation of customized recording devices, we will track changes from inside the Adamello Glacier during all seasons.
  2. A thousandth of a millimeter by Giovanni Muzio, in collaboration with IRBIM-CNR
    One thousandth of a millimeter hypothesizes a near future in which microplastics are so pervasive in the oceans that they become part of the evolution of marine microorganisms.
    Databases and molecules of meiofaunal microorganisms are mixed with plastic databases and molecules to generate never-before-seen marine microorganisms through artificial intelligence.
  3. ENTU by Emanuele Balia, Fabrizio Casti, Sandro Mungianu, in collaboration with EIA Factory
    ENTU (“wind” in Sardinian) is a science art project in which researchers and artists collaborate to Returning open data in the form of music, images and words through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, to provide a highly perceptual, visual and aural return of the effect that pollution and development, understood as anthropogenic pressure, have on wind, rain and the environment.
  4. MOSS by Marco Barotti
    The central element of the kinetic sound sculpture is a moss-covered dome whose movement is guided by readings of nitrogen oxide concentrations at various locations on our planet. Moss is considered a bioindicator of air pollutionandthis constitutes Barotti’s first collaboration with a living organism. In the course of the project, the artist plans to collaborate with local moss experts, environmental scientists and moss psychologists in order to create relatives along inventive lines of connection.
    An artistic sound research project born in 2015 in Valcamonica. The name is engraved on a rock at Loa, an Iron Age cult site.The project is inspired by the archaeological and musicological approach applied to music research. Neunau’s sound investigations are developed from the details that a sound source expresses, capturing and exploring sounds, going to discover their potential musicality, making audio tracks and docufilms where the main subject is sound used as a medium to tell the story.
  2. Giovanni Muzio
    Giovanni Muzio is a new media artist and creative technologist whose work focuses on the social impact of paradigms introduced by new media, constantly combining visual art and the latest technological trends.
    Muzio has been working extensively with Generative Art and Neural Networks to create immersive artworks where the unpredictability of randomness is mixed with the order and aesthetics of mathematics in a combination that leads to poetic hallucinations.
  3. Emanuele Balia, Fabrizio Casti, Sandro Mungianu
    Emanuele Balia is a musician and audio programmer who develops interactive audio systems for installations and live performances.
    Fabrizio Casti draws his aesthetics from instrumental composition, but also works in the fields of installation art, visual arts and improvisation. He is a lecturer at the State Conservatory of Music in Cagliari, Italy.
    Sandro Mungianu is a composer and multimedia artist. He always interacts with robotics and hyper-instruments in his works. He is currently a lecturer at the “Francesco Morlacchi” Conservatory of Music in Perugia.
  4. Marco Barotti
    Marco Barotti, a Berlin-based, award-winning multimedia artist who has never before exhibited in Italy.

    However, his work has been exhibited at Ars Electronica (Linz), Saatchi Gallery (London), Futurium (Berlin), Polytech Festival (Moscow), Fact (Liverpool), Picknick (Seoul), Isea (Montreal), Dutch Design Week (Eindhoven), among others.
    After studying music and drums in Italy at the Siena Jazz Academy, he arrived in Berlin in 2007, thus entering a new dimension of sound that blends the different genres and influences present in the city.
    The main goal of his work is the creation of a “technological ecosystem” as a metaphor for the anthropogenic impact on the planet to make people aware of environmental issues.
  1. Network Launch
    September 9 – 12, 2021
    Garden Ars Electronica, online and in Bologna and Fano
  2. Marco Barotti Exhibit
    September 2021

    Resilience Festival, Bologna
  3. Data Tour d’Italie Panel:
    How can data help us better understand environmental and social challenges?

    September 11, 2021
    Resilience Festival, Bologna, and online
    Federica Fragapane, Luca Martinelli, Valentina Tanni

Watch the teaser of the Ars Electronica Garden Bologna/Fano

Review the talk at Resilience Festival 2021 with Marco Barotti in dialogue with curator and critic Marco Mancuso.

Review the panel How can data help us better understand environmental and social challenges? with Federica Fragapane, Valentina Tanni, Luca Martinelli

Curators: Federico Bomba (Sineglossa), Filippo Rosati (Umanesimo Artfiiciale)
Partners: Kilowatt, IRBIM-CNR, EIA Factory, Ideas of Volumes – Valle Camonica